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12:00 PM AEST, Wednesday, 25 September 2024

Navigating the LLM landscape

Cloud providers, Self Hosted, Serverless oh my!

Join us for a discussion on Large Language Models (LLMs) and the broader realm of artificial intelligence (AI).

Wednesday, 25 September 2024
12:00 - 12:45 PM

We'll explore what LLMs are, how they function, the various media and mediums they utilise and the wide range of AI applications from enhancing customer service to revolutionising data analysis.

We'll also highlight key players in the AI space, detailing their services and offerings, discuss options for implementing AI in your organization, and touch on core concerns around security, compliance and data sovereignty.

Have you defined an AI strategy for your organization? Would you like to know more about what you need to consider? Join us and hear from Principal Consultant Matt Psaltis, who will guide you through the essentials of implementing AI effectively and making informed decisions for your business.

What you'll learn

  • The AI landscape and it’s applications.
  • AI media consumption and outputs.
  • Current limitations in terms of maturity and accuracy.
  • Hosting and deployment considerations.
  • Security, compliance, review, data sovereignty and human intervention.
  • LLM gotchas – how to control privacy and IP leakage.
  • Our approach to developing an AI strategy.

Your host

Matt Psaltis

Principal Consultant

Matt is an experienced developer, having 19 years of commercial application development experience, utilizing Microsoft .NET. He specialises in new and emerging technologies and has experience with large-scale real-time systems design, performance profiling, and analysis to ensure multithreaded code operates correctly and efficiently.