It is pretty amazing to be one of only four(4) companies recognised globally that made it to the AI finalist category, congratulations to these other worthy recipients!
Azure AI 2022 global finalists included:EY - the category winnersLynkz
Plain Concepts
Neudesic, an IBM Company
The Microsoft Partner of the Year Awards attract a pool of over 3900 nominations from more than 100 countries around the world, and Lynkz has been chosen among the finalists thanks to our outstanding work in providing the best solutions and services to our customers.
Braden Voigt, Lynkz CEO acknowledges "It's been a year of continued hard work by the team so it's great to be rewarded by receiving such amazing recognition, it gives us even more ambition for what 2023 has instore."
Find out more about some of our AI projects here.
If you would like to know how your business could benefit from the increased use of smart technology .. click here to start the journey and set aside some time with our team
More about the Partner of the Year Awards here