Ensure a Smooth Transition

Shaun Coghlan

How to Seamlessly Transfer Your Projects to Agile and Azure DevOps 

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Over recent years, many of our clients have needed to transfer their projects or solutions from one project management solution, such as Monday.com, to another, like our preferred solution, Azure DevOps with an Agile approach. While there are many benefits to working within Azure DevOps, there are also cases where client staff are not familiar with Agile or DevOps workflows. Today, we will discuss some common issues encountered during these transfers and provide foolproof methods to ensure the smoothest transition possible. 

In this article, we will break down key issues commonly faced when onboarding new users onto Azure DevOps and how to address them. The issues we will address include the learning curve, item structure, and the Agile workflow. 

What is Agile:  

Agile is a methodology for project management and software development that emphasizes flexibility, collaboration, and customer-centricity. Unlike traditional linear approaches like the Waterfall model, Agile promotes iterative progress, allowing teams to adapt to changes and continuously improve. 

Key Principles of Agile: 

Customer Satisfaction: Deliver valuable software frequently, with a preference for shorter timescales. 

Welcome Change: Adapt to changing requirements, even late in development, to provide the customer with a competitive advantage. 

Frequent Delivery: Deliver working software frequently, from a couple of weeks to a couple of months, with a preference for the shorter timescale. 

Collaboration: Developers and business stakeholders must work together daily throughout the project. 

Supportive Environment: Build projects around motivated individuals, support them, and trust them to get the job done.

Face-to-Face Conversation: The most efficient and effective method of conveying information within a development team is face-to-face conversation.

Working Software: Working software is the primary measure of progress.

Sustainable Development: Agile processes promote sustainable development, maintaining a constant pace indefinitely.

The Learning Curve 

Learning something new, whether it's a game, hobby, or technology, always takes time. For Azure DevOps, this can be a daunting task as its interface is very busy and can be intimidating to those new to Agile. To counter this, we at Lynkz always set aside time to host training sessions for our clients.

We believe the best way to learn is by giving your team hands-on experience within the system. By introducing Agile and DevOps gradually, we can answer any questions our clients may have and provide the necessary information in a manageable way. We have found that teaching Agile and DevOps separately to be an effective way to ensure that everyone on the team is comfortable. Teaching Agile first and then slowly introducing the DevOps environment has proven to be a successful method for managing the learning curve. 

Breaking Down Item Structure 

One of the largest concepts in Agile is the layout known as "Item Structure." Different platforms offer a slightly different or configurable item structure. For many developers who use Agile and DevOps daily, the workflow involving Epic, Feature, User Story, and Task may seem simple, but it can be complex for new users, particularly if moving from a flat structured backlog. Let's break it down to simplify it. 

To begin, we start with your “Portfolio Backlog” which contains your “Epics” and “Features.” Your Epic is the project's main goal. For example, in a construction company, the Epic might be “Build a house.” From there, you would break down this goal into smaller “Features,” such as “Build the kitchen.” A common issue is that Features are often skipped or seen as unimportant, but they play a critical role in setting clear guidelines for each project and keeping things on track. 

Moving down the Item Structure, we reach the “Backlog” that contains your “User Stories” and “Tasks.” User Stories are created within Features and are simpler forms of each goal. In our construction example, a User Story might be “Install the sink.” 

From these, “Tasks” are created and assigned to developers to help complete each User Story. For the example above, tasks might include “Run water to sink,” “Install basin,” etc. 

Finally, we have “Issue and Bug Tracking,” which is where your business analysts or testers report any issues or bugs. These are then addressed by converting their solutions into “Tasks” for the developers. 

Here at Lynkz, we have found the hierarchy view of the backlog in Azure DevOps to be an excellent tool for demonstrating the structure in a clear, visual way. 

Common Agile misconceptions: 

Story Points Are Not Time: Story points measure effort and complexity, not time. This is a common misunderstanding. 

It's important not to underestimate how long estimation, scoping, story writing, etc., will take. On average, a good User Story takes 2 hours to write, once you factor in requirement gathering and proper acceptance criteria. Conveying the importance to executive staff can often be difficult, however, explaining that one day spent now can save four days later and by spending this time on User Stories, you significantly reduce the risk of further issues down the road. 
If you are looking for a great way to manage and effortlessly improve your user stories there are great tools such as DevBricks.ai that can offer tailored recommendations to take your user stories to the next level.  

The Main Takeaway 

Everyone is different, and you need to ensure you’re introducing these significant changes carefully. When adapting to these new systems, it’s crucial to talk to your clients about risk, value (time and/or money), and discuss these aspects with your development team. 

By following these guidelines, you can ensure a smoother transition to Azure DevOps for your projects.